Vessel - a film by Zack Kasten | Wreche

The entire Handsmade collective worked to realize this masterpiece by Kasten - a companion work to the 2017 eponymous debut album by Wreche - avant-garde black metal which supplants guitars with piano & synth.

Wreche is John Steven Morgan (composer & pianist), Barret Baumgart (drums 2016-2017).

Additional composition for film by John Steven Morgan

 Full length out soon!!!

A film by Zack Kasten.

Music by John Steven Morgan & Greg Ashley (not featured in preview)


A film by Paul Trillo

Music by John Steven Morgan

A film by Paul Trillo

Music by John Steven Morgan

A film by Paul Trillo

Music by John Steven Morgan

A film reel by Omri Shir

Music by John Steven Morgan